Image: The logo of The Frienship Diaries. Forever Safe. Forever Remembered.

Animation: The pencil writing our index page!
"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."-Muhammad Ali. With every passing day, you look for more excitement, laughter, and memories, but there is no one else out there who can help you with that more than your best friend. Memories made with those who you cannot seem to forget are the memories worth documenting. We found our friendship by accident. We were forced together at our school's bowling tryouts; we instantly connected and have been inseparable for the past two years. This year, as we participate in The Michigan Council of Women in Technology's annual web design contest, we have the ability to share our friendship with those who we might otherwise be unable to reach. The theme of the contest is "Repurposing: The Ultimate in Creativity and Recycling." The point is to take everyday items, old items, or used items, and use them for other things so they are not thrown away. With our website, we will show off our "Do It Yourself" projects that turns film, lightbulbs, and pizza boxes, into fun decorations meant to preserve the best memories we have as friends. Together, these projects can remind you of your childhood and bring back the best memories you have ever had.

Image: Scan to visit our homepage!

Last Updated on November 12, 2014.

© Copyright Caitlin Beirne and Jessica Old. All rights reserved.

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