
Identifying My Strengths

Identifying My Strengths Strength. Some may interpret it as having a muscle-built body or being able to lift 200 pounds. But, strength is way more than that. It is a person's beneficial qualities, and what makes that person, that person. It's an asset that defines us mentally, not just physically. Some may find identifying their strengths difficult. Honestly, it was for me. Identifying My Strengths Your strengths are not something that you always think of or can identify quickly. Identifying your strengths takes patience and hard thinking. You may have to contemplate life, or maybe even question it a little. After a long, hard thinking session, I've come to the conclusion of what my strengths are. In the following tabs, my strengths of confidence and motivation will explain how I am overcoming a challenge, my strengths of generosity and kindness and how it was used for the good of others, and how my strength of morality makes me a better person.