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We Don't Make Heros, We Make Heros Better!

amanda and ciarra wearing capes
Scott Sorrell once said, “You make the world a better place by making yourself a better person.” which is very true. Just being a positive person could change some ways that people see the world or people!

Personal strengths are tasks or actions that you can achieve very easily such as talents, knowledge, and skills. Powers are important because they show who you are as a person and how they can be used for good, for example, helping people be a better version of themselves. Our experience with powers is very common since everyone has different powers that are used on a daily basis such as helping our classmates work together to build our websites by being positive and friendly towards one another. One of the biggest ways we are influenced is by actual superheros! Amanda’s favorite superhero is Invisible Woman because she can disappear and leave any situation she wants. Ciarra’s is Wonder Woman because she is such a strong woman that shows you can fight besides men and maybe even surpass them if you try hard enough!

The Michigan Council of Women in Technology Foundation (mcwt) is known for hosting a web design competition for teenage girls to use their skills and create a website based on a different theme every year. This years theme is “Power: How I use my strengths for good”! We are required to build a five page website with a partner to compete in the contest. We will be taught how to code, photoshop, and much more to make the best website we can! It is a long process but we believe that we can accomplish our tasks and work together to create a really amazing website!

Our website will include powers such as healing, duplication, and fearlessness.

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Copyright Amanda Brisco and Ciarra Tolbert. All Rights Reserved
Last Updated on November 13, 2017
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