Our Week Without Digital Technology!

Teens having face to face interactions


Nowadays, people rely on digital technology as their only way of communication because various aspects of it have made us addicted. For example, things like texting, emailing, and social media apps have slowly made us drift farther and farther from social interactions. One may argue that calling someone is social interaction, but even that has become so easy that people have chosen it as an alternative to meeting somebody in person. In the past two decades, numerous social media platforms have launched, attracting digital technology users all over the world.

Contrary to popular opinion, there are many alternatives to communicating with people through the use of digital technology. For example, a letter can be written to reach someone as an alternative to calling, texting, or emailing them. In addition, simply meeting someone in real life allows for people to gain experience with social interactions. Overuse of digital technology forces us to forget how to interact with people. Although it may seem ironic, it closes us off from the real world.