Today, along with drugs and alcohol, digital technology has been labeled as an addiction. It has become such a prevalent issue in today's society that people with the inability to put their technology away are sometimes classified as having IAD (Internet addiction disorder) or IUD (Internet use disorder). This addiction is not recognized in the newest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, but it is likely that if we continue on this path of not being able to put our technology away, it soon will be a mental disorder.

Just like a drug or alcohol addiction, some researchers say that an extensive use of technology can make users feel a sort of "high", and when their technology is taken away, they can begin to feel symptoms of withdrawal.

According to reseacher Hilarie Cash, some symptoms of IAD/IUD include: compulsive checking of text messages, loss of interest in activities that do not involve technology, social withdrawal, and feelings of restlessness when not having access to their technology.

Technology addiction is a huge issue, so throughout this website, we will be documenting what a week without technology looks like for a high schooler, how it impacts their life, and what can be learned from not having technology for a week.

Follow Dr. Kimberly Young's Twitter to keep up with all of the Internet addiction news:

Tweets by DrKimberlyYoung

Sonali Mariam
My name is Sonali, and I was in charge of this website's design. I designed the organizational structure, color scheme, hover effects, fonts, and was in charge of photos and the video on our home page.
My name is Mariam, and I was in charge of coding the site using HTML, CSS, minimal JavaScript, and the compiler "Brackets".

This website is proudly sponsored by the Michigan Council of Women in Technology Foundation.

Created by Mariam Mahmoud and Sonali Narayan.

Learn about The Everygirl's week without technology here.