Searching for books in the library Landline telephone Dad reading the newspaper

This week was a week of problem-solving. I never realized how much technology had an effect on how I go about my everyday life, but it ended up impacting everything from doing my homework to contacting my mom while she was at work. Some days were more tiring and stressful than other while others were more energetic and relaxing. I'm not going to lie, I missed my technology every day of the week. People will say that it's an addiction, but honestly, in today's world, it's a necessity. Teachers expect students to have access to technology and therefore tailor their lessons to require internet and software access. Parents expect their children to contact them right away when they are doing something because technology now allows for immediate communication. Almost everybody relies on technology to do one thing or another, whether it is to read the news or perform their duties at work. Overall, technology has become such a big part of our lives that it becomes hard to live without it when it is taken away. Nevertheless, I did learn a lot from this week that I can apply to my everyday life. Click here to read about what I took away from this week.

This website is proudly sponsored by the Michigan Council of Women in Technology Foundation.

Created by Mariam Mahmoud and Sonali Narayan.

Learn about The Everygirl's week without technology here.