Where Did The Wi-Fi Go?

Imagine you were a child in the 1930's like my Great Grandma. What would school be like? What types of jobs would you be dreaming of working at in the future?

At my school, we use digital technology practically every minute of the 8 hours we are in school. It would be weird if we didn't have digital technology to help us with our schoolwork. We use digital technology to read articles, complete assignments, find information, and explore new ideas. My back is a whole lot happier with digital technology as it is far more easier to carry a light chromebook on your back rather than 4 or more textbooks for all your classes. Digital technology is also helpful to the environment, considering we are using less paper.

How would the loss of digital technology affect jobs? At an office job, you are using digital technology every day whether it's for working on a website, selling products to vendors, or reading an article. About 80% of jobs in the U.S. alone are light work jobs, which are jobs that require little physical work, such as office or desk jobs where digital technology is used everyday. That is 260,560,000 U.S. citizens using digital technology while working. Imagine how many jobs would be lost if we didn't have digital technology.
