Seniors and Animal Companions

Humans have a natural desire for companionship, and as we get older, people drift from our lives and we may find ourselves in lonely times. A pet is one of the best ways to lift spirits in tough times and give us purpose to keep going.

Seniors benefit greatly from pet ownership. There are so many ways that animals help older people, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional. This bond can grow to be one of the most important aspects of a senior's life, and just proves how powerful pets can be.


Having a pet and caring for it requires the owner to be mobile, which is a great benefit for seniors. As people age, they often become much less active and face the health consequences of this. Owning a pet that requires mobility for its care is very beneficial to seniors.

Another way that domestic animals aid their senior companions is by decreasing the risk of several cardiovascular conditions, such as high blood pressure and heart disease. The calming effect of owning a pet has been proven to significantly lower these risks.


As we age, staying mentally sharp can become a challenge, but owning a pet is a great way to combat this. Because pets require things like food, water, play, and clean shelter, a senior pet owner has to remember to do all of these things, otherwise the animal would suffer. It is a great way for seniors to stay mentally sharp and keep their brain young and functioning well.


The emotional connection between older people and domestic animals may be the most important one. Relationships between pets and seniors can be vital to their happiness and social life. Pets are often one of the easiest ways to relate and connect with other people, so having one makes seniors more social. This contributes directly to happiness and combats loneliness and depression.

Animals can also be an effective tool in the grieving process. We all have to face mortality more and more as we age, and as we lose our loved ones, grief can be overwhelming. Pets are a great tool when grieving, since they can provide comfort and purpose in life when there doesn't seem to be another purpose.

The relationship formed between seniors and their pets can be such a strong bond. Whether they are alone or surrounded with loved ones, owning a pet enhances older people's lives in so many ways