

Hello, I am Bunny. My real name is Rabbit, but people like to call me Bunny. I am a herbivorous mammal and come from the family Leporidae. We have large front teeth, short tails, and large hind legs and feet. We also have long ears. The term rabbit generally means small, running animals, with relatively short ears and legs. We have very sharp senses of smell and hearing. We have nearly a 360 degree panoramic vision, allowing us to detect predators from all directions. We can see everything behind us and only have a small blind-spot in front of our nose. For the most part, we are more active at night, although we can also be seen at daytime sometimes. We have extremely strong hind limbs which allow us to leap great distances. We live in social groups and feed on a wide variety of vegetation. When feeding on green herbage, we excrete soft pellets which they ingest; the waste products of the digested food are excreted as dry pellets.Our favorite food is carrots. My wild cousins are frequently infected with tularemia- a disease dangerous to humans. However, I am not a wild rabbit. We tend to need a lot of space in order to exhibit our natural behaviour. We are symbols of fertility and rebirth, hence our association with spring and Easter.

Bunny with flower in its ear Bunny sitting down Bunny looking at you Brown bunny looking at you

We are very overwhelmed to receive a chance to show our love towards Pets through MCWT web design competition. The Michigan Council of Women in Technology, also known as MCWT conducts a web design competition for high school girls. To learn more about MCWT, visit their website, Facebook, or Twitter. For this contest, contestants are supposed to create a five page website including an introduction page, three pages about the topic we chose, and a works cited page. Since this year’s theme is based on “Pets”, we decided to create our website on Bunnies because we always wanted to have a bunny as our pet. Throughout our page, we will be providing information about different type of bunny breeds, cost of having a bunny as pets, how to raise bunnies as pets and some more fun facts about our cute pet. Along with using pictures of bunnies from online, I also gathered real bunny pictures from one of my friends. We wish to inform people about bunnies and help bunny lovers acquire their goal of having bunny as a pet through our informative website.