D&M Empire

Leadership Words


According to PsychologyCampus.com (2004-2008) Leadership is the ability to inspire confidence and support among people in a group that need to use competence and commitment in order to perform some task. A leader is someone who has the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of certain goals. Obviously, having effective leaders in any organization or group is key to the success of that group. When defining a leader, there are several ways to look at them and why they seem to take the role of leader so well. 1) Trait Theories: There are theories that posit that certain character traits of individuals make them leaders. These could be personality, social, physical or intellectual traits. For example - a leader may exhibit ambition and energy, a desire to lead, honesty, integrity, self-confidence, intelligence and job-relevant knowledge. As well, these theories posit that there are certain skills and abilities that are related to a leader's effectiveness. For example the following are all skills and abilities that are seen in effective leaders:
    * Leadership,
    * Independence,
    * Versatile
    * Fair
    * Intelligence
This link goes to a video that explains young women in leadership.