
Confidence Meter On The Rise

My confidence is one of my best strengths. My confidence helps me over come everyone who tries to put me down. It makes me believe that I can do it if I believe and am confident that I can. Confidence is a very important strength to have because if you always doubt yourself then you won't do your best. If you don't think you can then you can't. Me believing in myself helps me succeed and push forward even when the odds aren't in my favor. I used to doubt myself all the time and I was depressed. I didn't believed that I could do anything so I became lazy and tired all the time. Then but then I watched a motivational video online because I was just searching YouTube and I saw the video. After that I started studying hard and I became a pretty happy person.

Here is a list of reasons why confidence is a good strength to have.

  1. You're more likely to succed.
  2. You won't be a depressed person.
  3. You'll do your best in everything that you do.
  4. You won't be a shy person.

Don't have too much confidence though because that could lead to failure.