Solar Panels


What are Solar Panels and How do they work?

Solar panels are devices that convert light into electricity. They are called "solar" panels because most of the time, the most powerful source of light available is the Sun, called Sol by astronomers. The silicon and the conductors in the panel convert sunlight into Direct Current (DC) electricity which then flow into the inverter. When your panels collect sunlight, they convert that light into direct current (DC) electricity. Most homes, however, utilize alternating current, or AC, electricity. The inverter is in charge of turning DC electricity into usable AC. Solar panels are constructed from an array of solar cells, known as photovoltaic cells. Constructed of semiconductors, which absorb light and knock electrons loose. A piece of equipment is the charge controller, which is a key player in your system, ensuring that the system isn’t overloaded. Also, most homeowners with solar panels are connected to the power grid. This is often referred to as a grid-intertied system this helps the power company uses a utility meter to measure and regulate the energy collected by your solar panels. After measuring the energy drawn by your system, it feeds the excess back to the power grid. If you feed more energy than you utilize on cloudy days or during the night, you may receive money back from the energy company.