
Here are all the resources that we have used in order to complete this website.

The following images were hand-drawn by us using Autodesk Sketchbook:

  1. Pink "Home" banner under the navigation bar on the Index page
  2. Pink "Communication" banner under the navigation bar on the Communication page
  3. Image of telephone on Communication page
  4. Image of telegram on Communication page
  5. Image of mail on Communication page
  6. Image of social media icons on Communication page
  7. Pink "Education" banner under the navigation bar on the Education page
  8. Pink "Professions" banner under the navigation bar on the Professions page
  9. Pink "Professions" banner under the navigation bar on the Professions page

Sources for images by page:






Image-editing Software

Text editors that we have used to write and edit our code:

These sites were used to help create different elements on our website and learn HTML & CSS

We would also like to thank the Michigan Council of Women in Technology for giving us this amazing opportunity!