
Book store
A picture of myself

About me

Hello! My name is Alicia Qin, and I’m a senior at Plymouth High School. Building this website was an extremely long but rewarding journey, and I hope you’ve enjoyed exploring the different pages and reading a bit about each topic. Below, you will find all of the references I used to build this website, from image sources to research.


Courses Taken
Inro to Computer Programming
Currently taking AP Computer Science Java
The images on the Communication page were taken by my teacher Mr. Wharry, an avid collector of old gadgets.
The black and white photos on the Home page were given to me by family.
All other images are my own, either drawn digitally or taken by myself at home, on vacations, or during other adventures.
Image editing software
Google Drawings, for combining images
Google Sheets, for creating the charts on the Pop Culture page
Krita, for digitally drawing the banner of the Pop Culture page
Referenced Code
Three.js for the count up feature on the Communication page
Notepad++ for writing and editing code
Slideshow, which I amended to create the header on the Home page and the quotes on the Pop Culture page. I added different navigation buttons, changed the shape of toggler buttons on the bottom, and used different images and text.
Flip box, which I used to create a comparison on the Home page. I added images to both sides and changed the size of the box.
Keyframes, which I amended to create animations seen throughout the website. I used keyframes to create the rising text on the Home page and Transportation page, as well as the turning wheel on the Transportation page and the expanding underlines on both the Communication and Transportation pages.
Comparison Slider, which can be seen on the Pop Culture page. I added different images and changed the colors of the scroll slider.
Google Fonts for fonts "Rubik" and "Fredoka One"