Curious Cultures


In this section, we will be looking at how both of our generations used technology and information gathered. Both of our generations keep up with the news, look for jobs, and shop for fun but the way we do it is quite different because of the kinds of technology the public had access to.


Nowadays, we have phones, tablets, flatscreen tvs and social media. We get our news and devour our media and react to it in such a different way now because of the internet. Information is more so at our fingertips than ever before.

purple owl phonecase dark purple flatscreen tv dark purple tablet

We also share our opinions even more and are more critical of businesses too. This newfound freedom to share more than ever causes a change in demand when it comes to products too, especially if a product or brand is not what it seems.

Job searching and applications have changed as well. Now, we have templates for writing resumes and we submit them online to apply for the jobs we want. Interviews are sometimes even conducted on the phone instead of in person.

Whole communities have sprung up as well with members across the globe; people talking about video games, the betterment of infrastructure and education. Education has also vastly improved and became more accessible because of technology. When it comes to niche topics, like computer science, they are now more accessible and easier to understand with a great community that has anyone’s backs. Overall, technology has improved infrastructure, brought people together and improved people’s lives as well, though there are a few negatives so remember to use what you have responsibly.


During my grandmother’s early years, people got their information mostly through radio, newspapers and black and white newscasts on the new tv. People still discussed information and hot button topics but they did not have as much access to other communities world wide, especially with the World Wars happening.

small old fashion tv  open newspaper purple open book

They communicated with people across the world via letter so response times were not instantaneous like now with texting and emailing. Your community was most likely the small village you lived in. Businesses would still have their products and reputation discussed mostly via word of mouth. Jobs also required in person interviews and hand written resumes as well. Things were relatively simpler back then and a lot has changed but one fact is certain: humans are social creatures, so of course even with the simplicity people would still interact and still have an impact on everyday life.