Valentina Tershkova

Valentina Tershkova

Known as the First woman in space, Valentina Tershkova is an Astronaut for the Soviet Union. She has done one mission and continues to inspire women around the world, to this day.

Anandi Gopal Joshi

Anandi Gopal Joshi

Commonly identified as the first female of Indian origin to study and graduate with a degree in medicine in the United States, Anandi Gopal Joshi changed the world of women in the field of Medicine.

Anne Frank

Anne Frank

A Jewish girl who lived during the Holocaust. When she was born, Hitler was slowly capturing areas around the world. This forced her and her family to go into hiding. They hid for two years before being found and taken to a concentration camp. Yet, she never gave up her spirit and kept all her thoughts in her diary. She said in her diary, in reference to a window seat, ‘As long as this still exists, I cannot be sad.' [Anne Frank, 17 February 1944.]

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks

The Mother of the civil rights movement, Rosa Parks. Everywhere around the world, she is recognized for her bravery when she refused to give up her bus seat. Her work and leadership for the civil rights and partnership with Martin Luther King Junior is crucial to American History.

Marie Curie

Marie Curie

The first woman to win the Nobel prize, Marie Curie has changed our view of science , physics, and chemicals. Her work for radioactive materials and several types of minerals has helped scientists and physicians today in many ways. She is also the only woman to win 2 Nobel prize in two different categories.

Gretchen Whitmer

Gretchen Whitmer

Governor Gretchen Whitmer is the 49th and current governor of the state of Michigan. She is recognized for her dedicated work in the fields on Schools in Michigan, Protecting old Michiganders, Road Quality, Covid-19, Climate change, and many more issues in the world today. She was also the first woman to lead a senate caucus in US History.

- Gretchen Whitmer