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Image: The issues with what you eat

By just driving your car down the road, you could point out at least five different fast food establishments. In the drive-thrus in those restaurants, you will find a slew of cars curved around the building. In those cars are individuals or families who are too tired to cook dinner or don't have time to stop at home and make lunch for themselves. It's not their fault- everyone craves fast food at one point. When you eat fast food, you release dopamine, which makes you happy. When you’re happy with the food you’re eating, you crave it more often.Image: What are YOU eating? This is considered an addiction, one that approximately nets in around $100 billion dollars each year in the United States alone.

As someone who was treated with McDonald's cheeseburgers and Taco Bell quesadillas as a child if we were out, I quickly grew accustomed to the unhealthy habit. I had no idea as a child that fast food could actually take a toll on my health. When I was seven years old, my mom took me out to get McDonald's one day. I didn't think much of it because I was a pretty big fan of chicken nuggets at the time. A day later, I had to stay home from school because I was so sick from food poisoning. I still ate fast food from time to time, but I have always been incredibly weary since that experience, as anyone should if they have gotten extremely sick from a product they bought.

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