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Popular choices amongst fast food include the Big Mac, Whopper, and Dorito tacos. These choices can add up to nearly 700 calories. By changing these choices into healthier choices, you can easily get the same great taste and have a healthier lifestyle. By looking into even homemade versions of these choices, you could cut the calorie count by at least half the amount. Not only would you have a meal with less calories, but you would be reassured a fresh meal as well. One common concern amongst fast food consumers is that their food is not fresh or will contain harmful ingredients. Those are things you shouldn’t have to worry about while eating food. That is why making the food yourself or watching more carefully what you consume could truly change the standpoint of your health.

About a month ago, I decided that I was going to test out this theory and completely cease my fast food intake, along with soda pop. So far, I feel much better and much more alert and awake. Of course, that’s just an opinion of mine and it may not be completely trusted. But throughout the duration of my website, I am not going to eat any fast food. I will hopefully keep this habit up after I finish my website as well. I will include how my health improves and how I feel personally about this.

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