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About The Webmasters

This is Mackenzie and her pet.
My name is Mackenzie Maison, and I am a sophomore at Lake Shore High School. School has always come first in my life and as of now my grade point average is a 4.0. Outside of school I like to play sports. I currently play volleyball, basketball, and softball. Sports have taught me to never give up, and if you work hard enough you can achieve anything you set your mind to. After high school I would like to go to college and persue a career in the medical field. Technology would play a big role in this career choice. Technology is always evolving, and having experience in coding and working with computers would only benefit me in hopefully becoming a doctor. My favorite pet was my first dog named Booney. He was a black labrador retriever and we grew up doing everything together. When I was about 10 years old he passed away. I will never forget what a great dog he was.

This is Angela and her dog. My name is Angela Maslanka. I’m a sophomore at Lake Shore High School. I cheer at Lake Shore High School, and am maintaining a grade point average of a 4.0. In the future I would like to be a novelist or journalist because I enjoy writing. Technology can help play in a big part of this career path. Photoshop can help me make stories look better and stand out more, and I would also be constantly typing on a computer. My favorite pet is a dog because I’ve grown up with at least one dog my whole life. Dogs are also loyal, protective, and friendly.


We learned a lot of new things about our pets. One thing that we learned was pets and humans are very different in many different ways, such as our eating habits. Another thing we learned was if humans had the heart that most pets have, our world would be such a better place to live in.

We also learned a lot throughout our Web Design class. Through this class we were taught how to write code in CSS and HTML, use Photoshop and Notepad, and the steps on how to create a website.

This is a deer at the animal shelter. A memorable moment through the web creating process was when we got the experience to volunteer at the DAWG Hous, an animal shelter and rescue center. While we were there, we did numerous things to prepare the shelter for winter. Our group specifically cleaned a deer enclosure, so the fawns would not hurt themselves on the debris that was in the enclosure. Other groups painted and fixed animals houses, cleaned other animal enclosures, organized hay and other items in the barn, and moved bricks and other items to help prepare for winter.

The process of creating a website was very stressful. At first, learning how to code felt like a foreign language and it was difficult to pick up on. Although, through practice, and studying both of us eventually picked up on it.

This is our sidewalk chalk code. A memorable moment in the coding experience was when we first learned to code. It was the day after we finished our notes on the basic structure of a website, and we were instructed by our teacher to go outside in the front of the school and using our notes write the code for a basic website. At first, it was confusing because we just learned the new code and now we had to apply it. After we finally finished, I think that was our "lightbulb" moment. We finally could comprehend and write the basics for code!

Work Samples

Previous Computer Classes

Technology Classes taken between 2014 to 2016.
Mackenzie & Angela's Technology Classes
Class Software Used Course Description Work Samples
Career Technology Foundation
  • Microsoft Word
  • Weebly
  • Powerpoint
In this class we explore careers and prepare ourselves for them using technology. We do this by researching different careers that we are interested in and learn about them. We also learn how to make a Resume, Cover Letter, Bucket List, and Letter of Introduction for our website that we create. Then, we are required to get a Letter of Recommendation from a teacher. We read from the book, Succeeding In The World Of Work. In this book we learn all about different things to prepare you for a job along with learning new words and definitions.
Career Tech.-Mackenzie's Resume

Career Tech.-Angela's Cover Letter

Web Design-Color PowerPoint

Web Design-Angela's Code Practice
Web Design
  • Notepad ++
  • Photoshop
  • PicMonkey
  • Google Fonts
  • Weebly
Web design is a class where you learn how to design a website consisting of five pages. One index page, three middle pages, and one concluding page. In this class we compete in the Michigan Council of Women in Technology (MCWT). We learn lots of codes and programs in this class to make our websites look perfect. The class is divided into two categories, advanced and intro. We are competing in intro. This is a great class to take if you want to learn how to get more in depth with your computer and technology.


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© Copywright Mackenzie Maison & Angela Maslanka. All rights reserved.
Last updated on November 14, 2016.
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