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Habitats and Environments

Most dolphins live in the OCEAN, a large mass of salt water. Only a rare amount of dolphins like in freshwater (places such as the Amazon River area or the Yangtze River) but when we do see dolphins, it is common to see them in these rivers because of the shallow waters.

Researchers have found that dolphins can live in very diverse habitats. This is mostly due to their survival instinct for food.

Dolphins and their pods move around quite a lot in search of food. When resources start to run out, dolphins know that they need to go out and search. Dolphins migrate depending on the supply of food.

Some dolphins, such as the Bottlenose, have been recorded to live all over the ocean, but near coastline areas.

three swimming dolphins

Dolphins also have to look out for predators, so they won't usually stay near areas with sharks or other dangers.

Dolphins can have problems due to environmental reasons. This includes pollution, a large factor in habitat loss.

Habitat loss is largely due to human activity. Both land and water activity has affected the climate change spectrum, causing the ocean to absorb access carbon and killing plants and animals in the water.

It is generally unnatural for dolphins to live in closed off facilities.

Dolphins use echo-location to communicate and sense objects (such as fish or food) in the water.

Being in closed of tanks with walls, effects their ability to use their natural instinct.

Because the sonar bounces back at the dolphins in the tanks,  it affects the dolphins psychologically.

It is a very detrimental effect to the health and well-being of these dolphins.

An illogical factor also includes the fact that maintaing the cost of an aquarium/tank is expensive.

© Labiba Qazi 2016