gray dolphin

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Nourishment and Hunting

The most common food sources for dolphins are herring, cod, squid, and other sea fish.

Dolphins use two methods; herding and corraling.

Herding is when they surround schools of fish into mini tornadoes and take turn gulping up large amounts of fish.

Corraling is trapping fish in shallow areas where they can't escape and then feeding on them.

Larger dolphin species, such as the Orca, eat more larger animals such as seals and penguins that are swimming in the ocean because they are larger and need more fat.

A dolphin eats about 5% of its body fat per day.

Click here to learn more detailed facts about dolphins hunting style!

school of fish
seal and fish

Keep dolphins as pets is most illogical when it comes to their diet.

Dolphins of an type eat about 5% of their body fat per day, i.e. the larger the dolphin, the more food it needs.

That also means that the cost increases.

Adult bottlenose eat around 10 kg to 25 kg everyday. That costs more than $100, everyday.

© Labiba Qazi 2016