gray dolphin

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Want to learn more about the mental capacities of dolphins, click the image below!
dolphin doing trick
Want to learn more about the nourishment of dolphins, click the image below!
seal and fish
Want to know more about a real-time non profit organization that helps dolphins? Click the button below to be redirected to the Facebook page of the Dolphin Research Center.
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Dolphins are a unique kind of mammal that many scientists have researched. They have many interesting qualities, facts, and information that can better help humans understand the life of the ocean, and the minds of other mammals. One interesting question that poses people is the idea of having dolphins as pets. We often don't realize this as a possibility, and quite frankly, we shouldn't, but what is the treatment of dolphins in areas that do keep them captive and what are the circumstances in which each dolphin could be subject to different needs.

It is obvious that dolphins can't be considered pets (in fact, without permits for research and educational use, it is illegal), but two questions still pose: what if, and why? Dolphins are one of the most comprehensive water mammals studied by scientists. They are known to have engaging and intelligent personalities, as well as habits and qualities that make them intriguing to researchers. The other pages will include engaging answers and facts to discuss the probabilities in the presented scenario.

© Labiba Qazi 2016