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Hypnosis: Create The Life You Want

When you hear the word hypnosis, you might picture a sinister-looking man waving a pocket watch in someone's face, luring his subject into a deep trance. Once the victim is in this sleep-like state, they are compelled to do their master's bidding, no matter how evil it may be. We chose this power because it actually exists, though not in the way you may think. Real hypnosis is different than what is portrayed in comic books and movies. Hypnosis is actually a state of consciousness in which a person feels extraordinarily relaxed and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction. An interesting fact about hypnosis is that a person is always in control while hypnotized. No one can force them to do anything they don't want to.

It's easy for this power to cause some damage. Though you can't control their minds, people in hypnosis are very impressionable, and it's easy to manipulate them. I'm sure you've heard of some hypnotist at a party making someone cluck like a chicken or forget their own name. It sounds funny, but if this happens against someone's will, it can be humiliating. If you have someone in this state, do NOT try to persuade them to do bad things, and do NOT embarass them. They are in a vulnerable place and you should not take advantage of that.

Hypnosis can be, and is, used for good every single day. Hypnotherapy is a very real thing that doctors and psychologists use to help patients cope with trauma or calm anxiety. They put the person in a deep, trancelike state in order to elicit positive change in behavior and thoughts. We interviewed Ruth Linh, a licensed hypnotherapist, to learn more about this superpower in real life, and how beneficial it can be. She has helped people quit smoking, lose weight, raise their self esteem, and much more. She's also benefited from hypnotherapy herself. Take a look at what she has to say, and maybe you'll be inspired to use hypnosis to make positive changes in your own life!

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Copyright Rylie Duggan and Stephanie Tripp. All rights reserved.
Last Updated on November 13, 2017
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