My Strengths


Coding is a subject that absorbs me so extraordinarily, it can haul me out of bed on a Saturday morning, when everyone else is still asleep, to hunker down and build a website. The feeling of building a program from scratch, line by line, to reach the finished product brings me an unmatched satisfaction at the progress I've made. It fulfills my impulse to create and empowers me to unearth new skills every time I open the editor.

What makes coding meaningful to me is that the barriers to learning it are virtually nonexistent, which lets me expand my knowledge and introduce it to others as well. I use the vast expanse of resources out there to self-teach myself and lead others to learn coding as well. At our weekly GET-IT meetings, I help others learn the basics of code and debug their programs. I put together a slideshow to teach my infamous HTML and CSS crash course to the beginners. I think I've made an impact by helping to expand the base of people at our high school who are interested in coding, and then use it as a springboard for deeper exploration into computer science.