My Strengths

“Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.” — Anonymous


Taking a photograph is like freezing a fraction of a second of time in a little square of film. I can capture priceless moments: my baby cousin’s first laugh, the frosting-plastered face of my brother on his birthday, my aunt’s look of unadulterated joy at her daughter’s wedding. One way I use my knack for photography is to save special times like these, then house them in photo albums, ready for future storytelling and reminiscing. It helps me when I’m feeling sad and momentarily forget all the experiences I’ve had so far in life. Sometimes good or meaningful memories can slip our minds, but by documenting them in my camera, I can effectively save a piece of them to revisit later.

Photography is also one of my favorite creative outlets. When you are the photographer, you hold a lot of power. You get to choose what you want others to see. I can make an ant on the ground look like the smallest speck or a ginormous titan, all by positioning the camera differently. It’s made me grow into a person with a heightened awareness of the simple beauty that surrounds me everyday. Now, when I look at the world, I stop more often to ponder the things that catch my eye.

Below is a 15-second clip of some of my favorite photos I've taken.