Strengths and Superpowers
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Every superhero story begins with a backstory, to explain the character and their powers, the origins of the strength and power of the character. The backstory shows what lies behind the bright costumes of the character, why they love to do what they do and why they do it.

My backstory begins in the fifth grade, when I decided to apply to a newly established program in my school district, called STEM Middle School. At the time, I only applied for it because my parents insisted, but I was accepted, and so I was thrown into the world of science, technology, engineering, and math. In the summer between fifth grade and beginning middle school at STEM in sixth grade, I watched a lot of television, as any other pre-teen does, and during this period I watched different characters doing what they loved.

I, of course, imitated everything I saw on television, so I decided to find what I loved, and I went to the library and checked out books about all types of subjects, from art to zoology. After I spent most of my summer reading about random subjects and, of course, watching television, I found that I kept going back to a specific topic: STEM subjects. Those STEM subjects for nerds  I thought I would dislike were actually what I enjoyed to explore.  I began to read books about space, chemistry, biomedicine, robotics, and coding. I gathered more and more knowledge about these subjects, until realization hit me.

What I loved was what I kept going back to, and I loved learning and being curious about stuff, and the stuff I loved learning about and being curious about was STEM. STEM was the future and I wanted to be part of that, to make robots, or work in a lab. My superpower was a love of science, technology, engineering, and math, and nothing could deter me from the path of exploration I was headed down.