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During the time of COVID-19, how do you communicate with others in your life? With your immediate family, you might talk to them in person, but what about your friends? What about your teachers or your coworkers? Even before the virus struck, many of us communicated using text or email. We utilize our digital technology to increase our efficiency with communication. However, as discussed earlier in Digital Technology, people in the 1950s did not have access to the resources that we do today. So, how did they communicate? One popular form of communication was a telegram!

1950s Communication

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The Telegram: Description

What exactly was the telegram? The telegram was the most efficient form of communication in the 1950s. According to Collins Dictionary, the telegram is a message that is sent by telegraph and then printed and delivered to someone's home or office. A telegraph is a system for transmitting messages along a wire, especially one creating signals by making and breaking an electrical connection. Western Union is the most famous telegraph agency, and their telegrams are the ones most prominently displayed in pictures.


The Telegram: History

According to open.edu, many of the modern ways that we communicate stem directly from the telegram. Telegraphy goes beyond the transimission of written text to encompass other forms of non-verbal signalling, and it originated with the discovery of fire. Lighting beacons became a way to warn of invaders, and fire could also be used to send more complex messages using pairs of torches. The electrical telegraph came about in the late 18th century, and it's primary use was for the military.

In the early 19th century, according to the same website, inventors started to send messages via insulated electrical wires. By 1902, submarine cables encircled the globe in a worldwide effort to maintain easy communication. In the 20th century, different kinds of communication started to pop up, and the popularity of the telegram was slowly waning. However, it was still used in the 1950s, even when its popularity was waning in the light of the telephone and radio technology.

The Telegram: Modern

Modern Communication

So, in a world of digital technology and speedy message delivery, do people still use telegrams? As told by Atlas Obscura, the world's most famous telegraph agency Western Union announced that it "will discontinue all Telegram and Commercial Messaging services..." So, Western Union has discontinued sending telegrams, but are there other organizations for that purpose? Yes! American Telegram is a company that will send a telegram, and there are many more companies who do this as well. However, as Adrienne LaFrance said on The Atlantic, it may be harder to send a telegram today simply because of its unpopularity.

Other Forms of Communication

Other forms of communication during the 1950s included the postal service, newspapers (you might catch your grandparents reading some!), billboards/posted notices, telephones, radio, television, and movies.


How do we communicate in modern times? We've already covered a couple forms, including text and email. What are some others? According to Resource Techniques, some of these include:

  • Direct Messaging
  • Voice Calling
  • Video Marketing
  • Live Web Chat
  • Virtual Reality
  • Video Chatting
  • Blogging
  • Direct Email

Could you imagine your life without these things? Most of these take form in digital technology, so they didn't exist in the 1950s. What would life be like without digital technology? Well, that's a story for another day.


Person on the Phone

It seems that communication is largely connected with the development of digital technology. However, communication certainly existed without digital technology. It went from delivery on foot to instant messaging over many years. Normally, when we think of communication, we usually either think of talking to someone in person or using digital technology. But, there's so much more to this idea, including the development of telegraphy through many different mediums, such as lighting a fire and the telegram. Either way, communication has always been important throughout history, and it continues to be important today.