Hyperlink: Splat! A Scientific Exploration of the Biggest Mess
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Image: Experiment Three: Applesauce

Every kid has grown up on pudding and applesauce cups. Applesauce is something that never leaves us, even as we grow into adults. In fact, the first American astronaut to completely orbit the Earth brought squeeze tubes full of applesauce with him to space on his first flight. Applesauce is runny and thin, so the expectations for the splatter were fairly high, but the actual damage done to the opponent was not expected to be so great. However, applesauce was still chosen as one of the trials of this experiment because mashed potatoes were extremely thick and spaghetti was a mixture of thickness and thinness, so applesauce provided a third totally different consistency to test. This enabled me to see the full extent of potential for splatter sizes depending on what type of food one could hypothetically throw. Also, we had a large jar of leftover applesauce from a meal we ate a long time ago and I knew the applesauce was never going to get eaten, so I thought I should put it to good use. Thus, I decided throwing it at my garage in the name of science was a good choice.

Image: Results

Image: Applesauce Results The applesauce was a close second to the spaghetti as far as width of the splatter was concerned. The splatter was, on average, 1.5 feet wide at its widest point. The three widths were actually 1.5 feet, 1.25 feet, and 1.75 feet. Despite the high splatter range, I would not recommend using this in a food fight because it is hard to grab large amounts and to aim them because it constantly wants to run out of your hands; also, it is very cold and uncomfortable to the touch. Perhaps if you had a food catapult this would be a more realistic option, but for now, I would say it is not a good choice for food fights.

Home  Image: Target Divider  Experiment 1: Spaghetti  Image: Target Divider  Experiment 2: Mashed Potatoes  Image: Target Divider  Experiment 3: Applesauce  Image: Target Divider  The Researcher  Image: Target Divider  Further Research

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Last updated on November 12, 2015.
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