Hyperlink: Splat! A Scientific Exploration of the Biggest Mess
Hyperlink: Home   Hyperlink: Spaghetti   Hyperlink: Mashed Potatoes   Hyperlink: Applesauce   Hyperlink: The Researcher   Hyperlink: Further Research

Image: The Researcher

Image: The Researcher after the ExperimentAs much as I am a student of science, I am twice a student of technology. I have been coding since I was thirteen years old, ever since I stumbled upon a forum that used a crude, watered down version of HTML as the backbone of its posts. I am now a senior in high school, and my passion for coding has only grown since then; so much so that I intend to earn a B.S.E. in Computer Science once I head off to college and move onto bigger, better experiments then the one documented on this website. It was my love for that first, made up language of coding that sparked my love for coding in general. Because of it, I excelled when learning Java, and eventually found myself intrigued by HTML -- so much so that I spent two days teaching myself the basics of HTML during the last week of my summer before senior year. And now in my Web Design class, I have truly learned what it means to pull a website together and it has been an extremely fun and rewarding experience from the beginning to the end. When I go on to program systems and applications and software for computers (and perhaps even cars, as we lean more and more towards self-driving vehicles), I will always think back to this class and this competition in particular, and remember how much fun I had learning through the application of my lessons. This competition and this particular website have helped me learn so much because it has been so much more than just copying code day in and day out -- it has been a real, applied lesson that showed me and my classmates how web design is involved in the real world. I feel that in this class and in this competition, I have gained a skill that few are lucky enough to leave high school with, and that is something that I am extremely grateful for. I am also extremely grateful to have earned the opportunity to throw food at friends and say that it's for science.

Technology courses taken through high school
Researcher's Credentials
Course Course Description Software Work Samples
Career/Technology Foundation Learn to use basic softwares in the context of a career. Also learn how to search for jobs, create a résumé, and belong in any work space.
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Microsoft Publisher
Image: Thumbnail of Career/Technology Foundation Work Sample
Web Design Learn the basics of coding and website creating, including proper color schemes, layout, and amenities to the website. Enter the MCWT contest for creating a website.
  • Notepad ++
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements 9
Image: Thumbnail of Web Design Work Sample
Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) 2012-2013

Learn the basics of Microsoft softwares, and methodology of formal scientific research. Learn how to make a formal presentation and write a research paper with proper figures, graphs, and analysis of data.
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • TI-nspire Student Software
Image: Thumbnail of Freshman Year IDS Work Sample of TI-nSpire Graphs

Create another research paper and presentation. Learn to use Java in order to perform basic input/output algorithms and learn to create 3D models in Solidworks CAD software.
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • TI-nspire Student Software
  • Java Programming
  • Solidworks
  • Minitab
Image: Thumbnail of Sophomore Year IDS Work Sample of Java Program

Continue with Java and Solidworks lessons. Begin learning how to use Gamemaker to create basic games.
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • TI-nspire Student Software
  • Java Programming
  • Solidworks
  • Gamemaker
Image: Thumbnail of Junior Year IDS Work Sample of Gamemaker Shooting Game

Three years of learning research cumulates into a semester long research project which involves coming up with an idea worthy of scientific publication, carrying out an experiment, and writing a report about it.
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Powerpoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • TI-nspire Student Software
  • Solidworks
Image: Thumbnail of Senior Year IDS Work Sample of Solidworks Software

Image: Conclusion

The simplest conclusion drawn during this experiment was that spaghetti was, undoubtedly, one of the messiest foods one could use in a food fight. The conclusion to this website, however, and to this experience in itself is something a little more interesting and complex.

Honestly, I would be lying if I said chemistry is my favorite class. However, I must give kudos where kudos is due because if it weren't for the pair of goggles I had to wear during chemistry class, I never would have thought of the premise of my website. My first thought had been to make a website talking about some of my favorite baked goods. It would have been easy; it wouldn't have been messy. But I wanted to do something big. I wanted to do something different. And I wanted to do something I could relate to. So my idea was born: combine my knowledge of formal research with food. And make a mess, while I'm at it.

Image: Final Image of the ExperimentCreating the website has been a wonderful experience. Granted, there have been some ups and downs, but what learning experience doesn't have those? Most of the ups and downs didn't really come from the creation of the website itself, but in the process of getting my pictures. In hindsight, I should have started much earlier in the day, because as it was, I didn't get most of my pictures of the experiment until nine at night, meaning I was required to use the flash. And those pictures all turned out grainy and unclear. Because of this, I made my biggest mistake: I left the tarp out until the next morning to get clearer pictures. And while the pictures turned out clear, as you can see to the right, it meant that I had to spend an hour scrubbing dried food from my tarp, which was enough to make me sick.

Image: Thumbnail of Researcher and Friends after Food FightMy best and proudest moment was having an actual food fight. I never would have thought that I would throw together a food fight, and especially not at the last minute. But, luckily, I have a teacher with amazing ideas and some friends that are more willing to get messy than they let on. I had so much fun putting the little event together, and we all had so much fun participating (even if my friends won't let on as much) even though it took me and the girls almost a half hour to get the food and tangles out of our hair afterwards. It was a really fun day that I will remember forever, and the only reason it even came about was because of this website and this competition, so I'm really grateful for that.

Below is a Prezi giving a step-by-step explanation of how this website came to be. It was certainly a long process.

Image: Works Cited

Home  Image: Target Divider  Experiment 1: Spaghetti  Image: Target Divider  Experiment 2: Mashed Potatoes  Image: Target Divider  Experiment 3: Applesauce  Image: Target Divider  The Researcher  Image: Target Divider  Further Research

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Last updated on November 12, 2015.
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