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Bailey the Turtle

Image: Bailey Hiding

Our second page is about Bailey who is a year and a half old Russian Blue mix. Bailey has different personalities depending on who she is around. According to Bailey's owners, "Bailey is a sophisticated cat that loves to play but hides around new people."

When she is around her family she is a loving and playful cat, but when she is around strangers she is very shy.

Bailey also likes to hide when she's around people she doesn't know. Some of her favorite places to hide are under bed or in dark places just like a shell. This is why we are making Bailey into a turtle.

Bailey's costume will consists of a turtle shell that we handmade with the help of Hannah's grandma. The materials we used to make the turtle shell are listed below.

Image: Bailey


We used the stuffing and the string to make the shell more 3 dimensional. We used the velcro to make the shell stay on Bailey's back.