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Jackson the Fancy "Cat"

Image: Jackson

Our third page is about Jackson who is a two year old Russian Blue mix. Jackson has a very human-like personality. This is why we are making him into a fancy cat. According to Jackson's owner, Nicole, "Jackson is a stereotypical 'scaredy cat' with a playful attitude."

Jackson's costume will consists of a bowtie and top hat. We also made this costume with the help of Hannah's grandma.

To make this costume we went to Salvation Army and found a child's dress shirt for a collar and plaid shirt to potentially make a tie or bowtie out of.

To make the top hat we got a Styrofoam cylinder that we shaved down to make it look more like a hat. To make the rim of the hat we are going to place the Styrofoam on top of a piece of circular felt. We are also going to cover the Styrofoam in felt or some kind of fabric to make it all one color.