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Interact Club

The Interact Club

I have been a member of Walled Lake Central High School's Interact Club for two years now. The Interact Club is a community service club that works for many local and international causes. It is an affiliate of Rotary International. 

I use my powers and strengths in many ways being a part of the Interact Club. In my first year in the club, I was the Public Relations Officer. I handled all of the club's social media. I was also in charge of advertising the club and all of its events.

Currently, I am the Vice President of the club. As Vice President of the Interact Club, I get to use my leadership skills and creative thinking skills to benefit the club and its main goal of service and outreach. I get to use creative thinking skills to come up with new ideas for fundraising for different causes and raising awareness within my high school of Interact Club and its purpose.

Click on each of the images below to learn more about different Interact Club events in the past and how I used my own powers and strengths for them.

Blanket Making

A big event that Interact puts on every year is blanket making. At the event, students work together to make blankets, which are donated to the Hope Warming Shelter in Pontiac. The blankets help people in the homeless shelter stay warm during cold winter nights. I used my own powers to advertise the club event and raise awareness about the event. I also drove the blankets down to the Hope Warming Shelter in Pontiac.

The Military Packing Party

The Military Packing Party is an annual event hosted by the Interact Club of Walled Lake Central where care packages are made for overseas military. We gathered monetary and item donations in the weeks leading up to the event. On the day of the event, students line up assembly line style and fill cardboard boxes with various items. The boxes are stuffed to the brim, taped up, and sent to U.S. military overseas. For the Military Packing Party of 2017, I was incharge of advertising the event. I made a video explaining the event, which played in the school's morning anouncements. I also used social media to advertise the event.

Rebuilding Together

Rebuilding Together is another annual event that Interact club does. Club members work together to clean up the yards and gardens of disabled people or people who are unable to do it on their own. This year, together we raked, mulched, and planted flowers for 3 different people. For this event, I had to use physical strength to do gardening work.

To learn more about the WLC Interact Club, visit the club's website: WLC Interact

WLC Interact Social Media