Fearlessness | Generational Changers

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Tonight Let Us Be Fearless

amanda and ciarra showing new things they tried
Our last power that we chose is fearlessness. Fearlessness is having courage or lack of fear. We decided to also take this last power in a different direction and express this by trying something new that you might be nervous about or in other words, facing your ’fears’ but in a more simple way. Fun fact, fears are not caused by a big scary event, they form from genetics or from the environment around. Fearlessness is important because you can’t always live in fear to try something new so by trying these new things, you could come over that and feel confident in something. For example, say you have some sort of anxiety and you’re scared to talk in front of the class but if you were to do it more than when the teacher calls on you, it could lower that fear you feel if you work for it. By working towards your goals, you can one, find something new that you’re interested in like a new hobby and two, get over that fear you might have if you seem nervous about adventuring into something that you are unfamiliar with. Anxiety is a big reason people today stick to their routines and don’t explore new ideas.

To express the importance of this power, we will be trying out new things for ourselves. I, Ciarra, will be exploring the idea of photography. I’ve had a passion for it for a little while like taking some pictures here and there but I’ve never really gone out somewhere and got the full experience. I don’t have a fancy camera so I’m going to have to stick with my iPhone but I’m up for the challenge! And as for me, Amanda I will be going for the role of the lead dancer at my church. I have really wanted to be able to create and lead my group for a long time and i decided to ask my dance teacher for this role at the next upcoming rehearsal. To conclude, our advice to you is, if you wanna try something new, go for it and be confident about it because you might surprise yourself!

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Copyright Amanda Brisco and Ciarra Tolbert. All Rights Reserved
Last Updated on November 13, 2017
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