Healing | Generational Changers

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Once Driven, Forever Healing

positive note on computer
The first power that we chose is healing. People can heal in many different ways depending on the situation. We decided to take this power in a different direction and show how you can need healing in different ways and on different days. Healing can be defined and explained or expressed in many different ways. Some people may need to heal from an injury or from the lost of someone very close to them. Although some people need spiritual healing, just because they are questioning themselves or they feel as they are being attacked by all angles and have no way to break free. But sometimes you can get all of these types of healing all together at the same time and in the same place.

To express the importance of our power, we will write positive messages on sticky notes and randomly stick them on things around our school, or at home, or even the people in our web design class. Even just a simple “You can do it!” could make a person’s day spectacular. Especially in our class, clearly were all stressed over the fact that we have to create a website from scratch and meet all of these requirements to do well in the competition. So maybe leaving messages around to cheer our classmates on could drive their focus to do their absolute best! That doesn’t necessarily heal a person completely but our message could spark a change in the way they feel and make them apply their skills for a positive outcome. We were inspired by the company, “A Beautiful Me” that allowed a guest speaker to come into our class and express that you need to feel confident with yourself and know that you are beautiful just the way you are. To conclude, we will use our power for good by sending positive vibes to others and being there for them If they need some help.

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Copyright Amanda Brisco and Ciarra Tolbert. All Rights Reserved
Last Updated on November 13, 2017
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