
Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. Athena was married to Hephaestus by her father even though she had many other lovers. One of her lovers was Adonis and his surrogate mother, This lead to a feud with Persephone where Zeus made Adonis spend half of the year with Aphrodite, and half of the year with Persephone. Some of her other lovers include Ares, Hermes, Poseidon, and Dionysus. Aphrodite and Ares birthed Cupid, who also is a symbol of love.

Hoco2017Loving people is a very powerful thing, loving people not only makes yourself happy, but it makes others happy. Everyone likes feeling loved whether it be a family member, friend, or significant other. When we feel loved we feel happy and full, and our actions reflect how we feel. Loving someone is not always about the physical aspects. PromIn my experience loving someone is loving all their imperfections and accepting them for who they are. It’s also bringing the best out in them and being there for them always. Me and my boyfriend have been together for over a year and his support and kindness makes me feel like I can do anything I set my mind to, no matter how crazy it is.