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Two main things that my grandmother mentioned that were different with technology was how they did laundry and television. She talked about how to do their laundry they used wringer washer that swished the clothes around and how they had to feed them through a roller mechanism to wring them out, being careful not to let their arms get pulled into the wringer. After rinsing them my hand, they would pull them back through the wringer, and they would hang the clothes on lines to dry even in the winter. This differs from my experience with laundry as most of the work is done by a washer and dryer, but hanging clothes is still very common for more ecofriendly drying and there are other options like dry cleaning. Another thing she talked about was TV, since for part of her life she did not have one so they would sit around the radio to listen to their favorite shows. Her family got their first TV in 1955 which was in black and white. Also on Sunday and Monday nights the neighbors would come over on to watch their TV. Another thing she mentioned was that her grandmother was sure that the people in the TV could see them so she would make them dress properly to watch the shows. This differs from my life as TV pretty much all TVs now are in color and generally better quality and watching TV is not seen in the same way as it was then and are a lot more common in more households.

A young couple watching their black and white TV.
A young couple watching a black and white TV