Image: Blender that is shooting out food to cover our title, 'Low-FODMAP Cooking'.

Candy Crush? No! Sugar Rush!

As stated by, the record for eating the most cupcakes in the shortest time is 29 cupcakes in 30 seconds. Sweets are a very delicious part of the average American diet. They are a pleasant surprise in any part of the day, and giving it up would be disappointing and heartbreaking. Luckily, desserts and sweets can be incorporated into a person with the Low-FODMAP diet. By using a gluten free cupcake mix and a homemade buttercream (substituting the almond extract because of Caitlin's allergy), we made a safe and delectable dessert for a Low-FODMAP diet user.

Olivianne is very new to the Low-FODMAP diet, and when she first heard of it, she thought that this would not be as easy or yummy as regular food. Olivianne was proven completely wrong in this idea! The process of making the actual cupcakes was also very fun. Caitlin bakes very well and taught Olivianne quite a few things about the Low-FODMAP diet. Before trying the cupcakes, Olivianne thought that they were not going to be as good as regular cupcakes. She thought they would be bland and kind of boring, but was blown away in how delicious they were. They might have even tasted better than ones she was used to having! The whole process of researching the replacements for the intolerable ingredients, as well as baking, decorating, and tasting the cupcakes was so enjoyable and informative. Sweets can be especially harmful to a Low-FODMAP dieter. With a list from Dr. Van Dam of high FODMAP foods, we avoided these sweeteners that could be found abundant in baking ingredients and baked the cupcakes to be FODMAP-friendly. We also asked Dr. Van Dam if there was a symbol that indicated that a product was absent of FODMAPs, but unfortunately there is none in the United States. This would have made our grocery shopping journey a bit easier, but there is a possibility that by the time the MCWT contest returns in 2016, there could be one.

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