Image: Blender that is shooting out food to cover our title, 'Low-FODMAP Cooking'.

Made for Home, Home for Life

What is your favorite kind of soup?
Tomato Soup
Chicken Noodle Soup
Clam Chowder Soup
French Onion Soup
Broccoli Soup
Quiz Maker

Kate Scarlata, RD, LDN, wrote, "... since most commercial meat and vegetable broths are rich in FODMAP ingredients, suggests clients make a homemade broth by boiling water containing chicken breasts, celery leaves, parsnips, carrots, salt, and pepper." We want to teach others how to make a healthy soup for our first food item. Caitlin's mom and her mom's friend have missed eating soup since they both went on the diet. Potato soup was one of her mom's favorites so we decided to make it. Soup is something Americans eat when they're sick and when you live on the Low-FODMAP diet, many modern medicines cannot be used. Soup helps them stay healthy so they don't have to risk hurting themselves with modern medicine. Soup is also difficult to make when everything has to be done from scratch. We wanted to make it easier for people by teaching them a simple soup recipe.

Potato is a staple in every Low-FODMAP dieters diet. According to Dr. Lauren Van Dam, nutritionist from the University of Michigan Health Center, potatoes are one of a few grains and starches that the dieters are allowed to have. Soup is also something that is known for it's ability to bring good health. One common soup that the dieters can eat is homemade chicken and rice soup. Potato soup is something that does not have a well-known Low-FODMAP recipe, but we have created one. With the help of Dr. Van Dam, we have been able to ensure that each ingredient is FODMAP-friendly. Although we do wish to point out that this is a learning diet, so each ingredient can react differently for each person.

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